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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I Just Love These... 40 in 1!

So because I seem to have a problem I decided to find another little questionnaire and do it for you people some of the questions may be the same but oh well never hurt anyone right? Anyway, I only have like 3 days until I get to see my daddy in real life and I am freaking out so I am trying to keep busy doing these things so that I don't keep packing and repacking so once again here we go! 

  1. My bedtime is 9:30 during school I have to be cleaned and in bed by that time 
  2. I love baths and I can't wait for daddy to give me baths!
  3. I love toffee and sour candy like really sour candy and chewy candy too for my oral fixation 
  4. 1-6ish normally around 3-4
  5. I would love an axolotl
  6. I don't have a lot of hair but bows are fun and messy hair too is cute
  7. purple and yellow!!
  8. I am good at making people laugh and I like to draw but I'm not great at either
  9. One time daddy sang Beyond the Sea and I loved that and I love our song I Will by The Beatles
  10. Hmm I like Valentine's day it was daddy and my first holiday together
  11.  I would love to go to the park and swing and slide and eat snacks on a blanket in the nice warm sun 
  12. I love Asian food because I can't have gluten or dairy I can eat most of it 
  13. I love daddy's lap when I am little but I just like to be in my room where I feel safe 
  14. I play some video games and I like to draw and watch anime 
  15. I am trying really hard to get a job right now for the summer 
  16. Yes I am working on my master's degree in social work 
  17. I don't have one but I just got a cute bag that I can carry around or my narwal bag maybe
  18. When daddy calls me cute or little or sometimes if I eat little food or hold on to something that makes me feel little or sometimes if I just see something ts sort fo random and I love it
  19. I love rummy, not a little game but I just find it so fun 
  20. My ideal caregiver is my daddy I just wish we were together so he could really punish me or discipline or just let me be little whenever 
  21.  Sometimes it has been a while but I know when I am with daddy he will tell me a few 
  22. I have this dress with a monkey on it and I love wearing cute shorts and t-shirts 
  23. I love reading little books and just being cute with daddy and coloring 
  24. Nope sadly I want some though
  25. My pooh bear and piglet and my Jotaro plush 
  26. A few Persona 5 and Stardew Valley 
  27. Sometimes but I'm good at hiding it but once I'm with daddy I'm going all out 
  28. Hilda (Netflix) and The Beatles Yellow Submarine 
  29. Falling asleep with daddy on call holding my pooh bear 
  30. Yes but they can be hard to follow with daddy being so far away but I do my best
  31. Animal crackers and gummies and juice and these gluten-free cheese crackers 
  32. You guys and my daddy and a few people online and old relationships but no one really knows 
  33. I am little all the time I have a lot of free time right now and no one is home so I get to be little and pretend but normally I try to be little just with daddy 
  34. I tend not to do this I do get fussy before bed and sometimes if I don't feel good or needy in some way but I have never thrown a tantrum 
  35. I love to draw and color and I love manga and anime so I tend to look at that art 
  36. Yes a few things mostly stuffies and dress up stuff but I would want some more to play with 
  37. This morning but I was also in puppy space so it was a cute mix 
  38. I suck my thumb or paci I snuggle my stuffies way more and talk to them more and I whine way more and color more than any other time
  39. I wish I could fly so I could go see daddy whenever I wanted
  40. YES! I use all!
I hope these aren't boring for you guys I may stop for a little while especially with my trip to daddy's soo soon I will for sure talk more about that than anything!

Have Fun Lovelies,

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