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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Daddy Got a Job!

Its been a while but I is here all my little ones and big friends alike! So recently my perfect amazing daddy passed the GED and was able to get a job at the same place his dad works until he is able to start school for his degree. He only works part-time but he works every day until 2 o'clock (my time). This really stinks because most of the time I don't have class until the afternoon so while daddy is at work I'm free than when he is free im in class and I JUST HATE IT!!!!!!! It makes it so hard for us to communicate and most of the time daddy gets home and he is really tired so I have to be without him for even longer. I am so happy he has a job and gets to be happy and make money but I hate being away from him so much. It's just hard right now but I do my best to fallow all of the rules and such even when he is not around so that he can be proud of me when we talk again and I get all my homework done early too so we can chat at night. I try to do whatever I can to make daddy's life as easy as possible.

Talk Next Week,

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