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Saturday, February 23, 2019

I Did It!!!!!

(This is naughty ask your caregiver before reading)
So just last night and again today daddy pushed me to the absolute limit and he made me ejaculate all over my rug. It took a really long time using my toy but when I finally did it, it was soooooo much and it went everywhere! The best part was that daddy was so surprised and proud of me it made my heart just explode and I just couldn't stop smiling he even said he would get me a special stuffy for the occasion (but I don't need one what he did to me was special enough). After I did it I just felt so much closer to my daddy as it was my first time and I was so happy that he was the one I did it for. He also came about 7 times as I was trying to which was crazy for him too --  so we both had a very special sexual experience on Friday. Then today he worked me hard again until I ejaculated I didn't come as much but daddy was still so proud of me and it just makes me soooooo happy to make him proud, that all I want to do is make him proud!!!

On a completely different note, his card came for me and it is amazing!!! Its a pop us card with a super sweet message that just warms my heart every time I see it!

Keep Calm and Cum On,

Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Best Valentines Day Ever!

Hi There Littles and Caregivers!
So the best few days happened ever! So because daddy and I are so far away we can't be together for V day (sad face) but he still made it special. I sent him a little otter stuffed animal and he fell totally in love with it which made my little heart just melt away with how he acted when he got it and still acts whenever we are together and the stuffie is around. I also sent him a card which he promptly displayed on his desk (it had a bear on it because he is my bear). He sent me a really old school stuffed pooh bear! It is truly the best gift I ever received from a SO. My old gf never bought me any gifts for any holiday and the bf before that always bought me weirdly cheap gifts that had little significant value. This pooh bear stuffie just means so much I call him my pooh bear and it looks old school which my favorite I love old school drawings of Winnie the Pooh and he told me he felt something special when he found this stuffie and just knew it was the best gift for me. Sadly I am still waiting for his card. Then the day of Valentine's day I dressed up in my suite and gave daddy the special present of me being his little butler...we were naughty ;).

I hope your days move easy,

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Daddy Got a Job!

Its been a while but I is here all my little ones and big friends alike! So recently my perfect amazing daddy passed the GED and was able to get a job at the same place his dad works until he is able to start school for his degree. He only works part-time but he works every day until 2 o'clock (my time). This really stinks because most of the time I don't have class until the afternoon so while daddy is at work I'm free than when he is free im in class and I JUST HATE IT!!!!!!! It makes it so hard for us to communicate and most of the time daddy gets home and he is really tired so I have to be without him for even longer. I am so happy he has a job and gets to be happy and make money but I hate being away from him so much. It's just hard right now but I do my best to fallow all of the rules and such even when he is not around so that he can be proud of me when we talk again and I get all my homework done early too so we can chat at night. I try to do whatever I can to make daddy's life as easy as possible.

Talk Next Week,

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Its Been A Long Week!

Hello There,
This last week has been interesting and daddy has been there through it all. I got really upset in one of my classes and had to purge to feel better. Daddy made sure I was okay and talked me through everything to make me feel better. I was so scared and my head was a mess it was amazing having someone there to ground me. Also on a more little note, daddy put more rules on me and I am so excited about it! He is making me more into a slave/little and it makes me feel so good -- he even put a rule that I must call him daddy or Sir no matter who we are with (except my parents). It is just so nice to have more rules -- I tend to over think and want to have control over everything, having a daddy have control allows me to relax and give in to someone it's just amazing.

Anyway, good day,