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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

To Start A Summer

 Hello and Welcome,

So its been super hot here and what that means is the start of...SUMMER! I love summer mostly because that means I get a break (but not this year I just got a new job). But I do enjoy the nice weather and the lovely sunshine. The other best part of summer is my daddy gets to come see me. So I deiced to write a little bit about what I like to do in the summer.

  • spending time near the water - I live on a man made lake its super fun to boat in but the water can be yucky and we have mean fish so I like to be near the water but not in it
  • going fishing - even with mean fish its still fun to enjoy fishing just make sure to release when you ketch 
  • make yummy food - some great summer salads or summer drinks are the best
  • sit in the sun - just enjoy the rays and read a lovely book
  • play with chalk - I love this I love drawing so its super fun to use a new medium 
  • jump rope and playing hop scotch - it great to play with others and great when its not too hot
  • out door games - any game in the grass is fun in the hot weather
  • going to the park - play on the swings!
  • reading manga - collecting manga is my hobby but I love reading it in the summer so I have more time to enjoy it
  • dressing cute - I love summer fashion and enjoy wearing cool clothing 
  • enjoy the AC or times in side - sometimes it rains and we have to stay in but that means enjoying the AC and relaxing with silly shows
  • bug and bird hunting - no real hunting here but its always fun to learn more about animals
  • go to new fun places - libraries, parks, museums and arcades fun new things and take the plunge
Hopefully this small list showcases a few of the fun exciting and lovely things you can do this summer. If you have an activity you like add to my list!

Fun in the SUN!


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Lil Exercise Routine

UWU You there?
Hi and welcome to this weeks blog! I didn't really know what to write this week but I was at the gym when I was thinking about it so I decided that I should write about what I like to do at the gym that makes me feel good and maybe even little. So here is the list of activities I do that can maybe help you lose some weight or at least feel a little healthier:
  • Running/walking on the treadmill or outside 
    • hard to make little but I wear cute clothes that make me feel good 
    • I listen to podcasts or stories that make me feel little or just make me laugh
  • Jump rope
    • This always makes me feel super little. I know you are supposed to be really focused but I let myself have fun
  • Yoga
    • there is a ton of children yoga and easy yoga that can be made better with soft children music
  • Biking 
    • I loved biking as a kid so riding always makes me feel young. So give it a go and try and beat the neighbors like when you were little 
  • Do a children's work out
    • there are a ton of kids work outs online that are for all ages. Try one out it maybe  a little easy but it will make you feel really little and you'll have fun 
  • Stretches 
    • These are great to do on down days. Have your CG help you get into those hard to do poses. Like yoga these are great to do with music 
  • Circuit
    • A great way of working all parts of your body you can make up circuits where you time yourself or do a particular number or reps. This one can be hard to make you feel little but try adding jumping or little kid exercises like jumping jakes and frog jumps. 
Remember! Drink water! This is really important you need to stay hydrated and the best way tot do that is through drinking. This is wear you can break out your cute water bottles and show the world a little of your little side. Also make sure you wear the proper gear such as helmets and work out clothes. This is also where you can pull out your cute clothes and wear the pink and blue head gear. 

I hope you liked this slightly different post and it gave you some ideas on how to get fit.  

Stay Hydrated,

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

To Name A Stuffie...


I didn't know what to write this week but my daddy had a cute idea of helping all those littles out there find a good name for their next stuffie. So here is a cute recipe for naming a stuffed friend.

  •  find the gender - this could be any gender from cis genders to transgender to genderless! What ever the gender is it, it can help with the naming process *just because a stuffie is one gender doesn't mean their name has to reflect it*
  • Try using a color - this works well with a friend that may be trans or gender queer adding *ie* at the end makes it cutier 
  • Try naming it after a best friend or cool person you know
  • Try using a food or object for a name
  • Try a name that is the opposite of the animal - like naming a cat dog or a fish bird
  • Some stuffies already have names doesn't mean you have to keep that name 
  • Try asking the stuffie they will tell you 
  • Try asking your CG they always have great ideas
How to name a stuffie -  shooting star:
  1. hug the new friend extra tight
  2. think of your favorite food 
  3. imagine a shooting star
  4. make a wish on the star
  5. give the stuffie a kiss on the head
  6. ask them very nicely what they would like to be called
  7. ask them their gender and pronouns  
  8. the stuffie will tell you the new name
  9. Your stuffie has its name 
Hopefully this helped and you now can name your stuffies!

Hugs and Cuddles,

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Keeping Tack

 Hola and Hello,

Not much has been going on with me, mostly trying to get through school but this gave me an idea of a good way of helping all my little fallowers. One of the things that really helps me is keeping track of all the stuff I have to do. I know some littles do it differently but this is how I get through school and life and all that fun stuff

  • white board- I have a small white board and markers that I use to keep track of assignments and stuff that needs to be done during the week. The great this is is being able to erase the things that are done and see the list get smaller. 
  • monthly planner- I have a cheep dollar store monthly planner where I right down things like work schedule and assignment due dates
  • Big monthly calendar- I use this to write down everything that is due. Because the days are big enough I can right down all my readings and other things that need to be done 
  • Daily planner- because I am a social work student I work at a doctors office seeing clients. The daily planner helps me keep track of the people I see and when I can also make lists for the week of all things I need to get done
  • Things to have 
    • colored pens - makes everything pretty and fun 
    • colored highlighters - also makes thing fun and helps to make sure you mark off things that are done 
    • stickers - to mark off important things like big papers and days off
    • white board and thin markers - take care of the markers and don't push down too hard 
  • Some people like to make their own journal/planners those are great but I cant draw so i stick with premade planners 
So, this is what works for me and I hope it gave you some ideas on how to keep track of all the little things you need to do. 

Keep on Task,