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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Best Bath


What a way to start lol. So as someone that takes baths a lot for a self care activity I wanted to share the way to make the bath the most little friendly and best experience you can.

  • Let the water be warmer then you might think -- the bath looses a lot of heat so make sure it's super warm and cozy
  • add bubbles if you can -- some people can't use bubbles because they make them sick try salts instead they are more vagina friendly 
  • toy -- don't forget the toys they are the best part and they keep littles busy also make sure to give them time to play a little before you wash up 
  • maybe light a candle or inscent  -- this is only for bigs to do be safe with fire
  • use soft soap -- with any ways of cleaning make sure to use soft and gentle soaps on little ones
  • music -- with anything music makes it better be is Disney or rock it makes it so much better
  • make sure to watch eyes -- this sounds funny lol but make sure to not get soap in eyes and if your little has a vagina don't get soap inside just on the outside
  • have nice warm jammies ready -- this is the best part
  • nice soft towels too -- this are super nice too 
I hope this gives you a few ideas on having a nice bath with your little as always this is up to change and add if need be.

Soft and Fluffy,

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