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Monday, December 28, 2020

Taking a Trip

 Hi there,

So I was thinking about my upcoming trip to see my daddy (yay)! And I thought I would make a little guide for taking a trip as a little during COVID times:

  • make sure you are packs days before you leave -- I tend to change things at the last minute so I have it early so I have enough time to change things out 
  • leave room in your bag for new treasures -- my daddy always buys me something special so I leave room in my big bag for it 
  • bring a gift for your host -- whoever that may be its always nice to have something for them 
  • in your carry on pack extra snacks -- not all flights are the same make sure to have something to eat 
  • pack a water bottle -- don't bring it filled but have it so you can fill it after you get through security 
  • in your carry on pack activities -- I always make sure to have my game boy and tablet to watch movies and play games flights can be boring 
  • bring what your CG tells you -- remember they know best and they might want you to bring a special outfit for going somewhere fancy 
  • bring a little to-go bag -- in my carry on I have a special pencil case with all my little things like a paci, collar, activities, sticker, bandaids, small toys, etc. just anything that makes you happy and little and that you might need at your CG's
  • make sure to have COVID stuff -- this includes masks, gloves, glasses, and hand sanitizer, these can be cute too such as a fun mask, pink gloves, and fruity sanitizer 
  • change are your devices the night before -- don't be like me and forget lol 
  • call your bank to let them know -- it's always a good idea to tell your bank so your cards don't get declined
  • diapers on a plane are not a good idea -- unless you know you won't "go" then maybe skip the nappies this time 
  • bring a flight partner -- during COVID a hard toy might be better but during normal times a little stuffie friend would be glad to come along
  • bring your comfort objects to sleep with -- be it a toy or blanket make sure to bring them to sleep with at your CG's
  • eat before you fly -- my tummy turns on planes so I make sure I eat before so I am not starving when I get off
  • bring gum -- this will help little ears not hurt so much 
  • download shows -- some planes don't have WIFI so make sure my little pony is fully downloaded before hand 
  • HAVE FUN -- just make sure to be safe and have fun on your flight to see you CG
I cant wait to fly and to tell you all about it I might have some more tricks when I get back to wait for those!

I'll be back in two weeks!

Love you all,

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Little Christmas Fun

 Happy Holidays!

I hope you are having a lovely holiday season, I wanted to bring in some holiday cheer with little things you can do for the season. 

  • Drink hot coco with tiny marshmallows 
  • make and enjoy pie 
  • watch classic movies like Elf and those clay ones like Frost the Snow man 
  • snuggle up with stuffies 
  • wrap presents 
  • make gift for your little friend and of course your CG
  • Eat candy canes (I just tired the mint and coco ones they are AMAZING)
  • Build snow forts and play in the snow (if you have no snow that okay just spend some time outside)
  • Get yummy drink and go for a walk to see the lights people put out 
  • Decorate the house and tree (if you have a tree)
  • send cards to your friends and family 
  • get matching sweaters with your CG
  • Sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth 
  • do puzzles and indoor crafts and activities 
  • watch cartoons and play video games 
I hope this gives you a few ideas of things you can do as the holidays come in. I hope you enjoy these special times with your CG and all your friends. 

Happy Holidays,

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Taking Care of a Non-Cisgender Little


So because I have been on reddit I found so many posts that are really mean towards transgender people so I decided to add a little love for trans people out on the internet. So here is a list of things to make a trans little feel better in their cute skin:

Being transgender can be really challenging! I know first hand that I face a lot in my daily life, just toady I read two top posts on reddit that were bashing transgender and gender non-conforming individuals. Some ways that can a little feel better might include:

  • letting your little choose their clothes -- I know this maybe challenging for a CG but sometimes we just want to wear what comfy
  • let them express themselves -- this could mean when they do crafts, when they play with make up and in all areas of their life
  • dysphoria is a B word -- this can make being a little really hard this will make your little feel totally horrible in their skin please understand we are not doing this on purpose and we need extra love when it happens
  • listen closely to your little -- they know what they need let them know that you are all ears
  • sometimes we don't know -- I know for me sometimes I don't know what I need but having a CG that understand that and gives me options for help is really a gift
  • help them feel more comfortable -- sometimes the pressure of everything can be a lot learn to recognize that in your little and help them to de-stress with napping, playing, cuddling etc. 
  • remind them they are valid -- this can be the best words a little can hear about both their little space and their gender
  • find some safe places -- this can be a pro trans website, games or activities
  • find pro trans things -- fun clothes, coloring pages, pride events etc. 
Hopefully this will help my trans littles and make them feel like the valid humans they are! Just do what makes you happy as long as you aren't
hurting yourself or others there is no reason to not be happy!
