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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A Little About Us

Hello Everyone,
So I wanted to write this post after someone asked me about my relationship style and I wanted to tell you all about daddy and I and how our relationship works being that it is long distance and 24/7. Anyway, so I am what I would like to call a non-brat little. I know, I know you are probably thinking...WHAT a non-brat little? Isn't being a brat part of being a little? Well, I would like to say that every little is different and I have found that I don't like being a brat, I just don't find it to be a part of my personality I have always been one to follow the rules if I find them fair and as any good BDSM/CG/L couple should do is talk through rules to make sure they are fair for both parties. My daddy also likes that I am not bratty he feels more comfortable and finds it better for our relationships compared to his other CG/L relationships in which he had brats and didn't like them. So, in conclusion, I am a rule fallowing little. On to daddy, he is a laid back dom and daddy. He is strick when he needs to be but he finds more pleasure in making me happy and keeping me safe. His rules are more based on my safety and health rather than for his pure pleasure. We do have some that are simply for him but he isn't strict about them more if I have the time and energy to do them. The main goal in our relationship is to make each other happy and pleased and we both do our best through rules and punishment to keep it that way. Because I am a rule fallowing little instead of punishments we do discipline and training to keep me in line and to enjoy the kinky parts of a CG/L relationship. Being that we are long distance this can be difficult as one could imagine but we do a lot of facetime calls and role-playing through texts. In the calls, I have to discipline myself which at first was hard for me but I soon found my groove and was able to submit to my own punishment. I use toys and bondage, whips and my own hands to perform the actions daddy tells me to do. During this time I also make sure my daddy is being pleasured and happy with my performance. Checking in is very important when dealing with long distance discipline this means both parties make sure each is getting what they desire or need during playtime. With role-playing over text, we have a start work and an end word along with the safe word so that I can fully be in subspace and daddy and be in domspace. When texting we use action ** to signify movement or action and we use normal text to displace something being said. This can become challenging at times but it is also really fun to showcase actions that can't be done over video or fantasies that we hold and want to do one day once we are together. After both video chatting and texting daddy always does aftercare which for me because we are apart I love when daddy tells me what he would do for aftercare or daddy tells me to do different things like drink water/eat or take a shower/bath. I really like though when he tells me all that he would do if we were together like watching movies, bathing together, eating snacks, etc. I also tend to go into little space right after play time and daddy really embraces that. Speaking about little space I tend not to be controlled in my little space meaning I will go into little space any time I feel comfortable and in need of that time --  it has become more of a coping skill but I also do it when I am happy. Daddy doesn't control my little space and I can even do it when he isn't around even though it's not as fun. I am so happy to have a daddy that doesn't control that part of me and allows me to fit any age I feel comfortable from very little like 1-2 to a bit older 5-6. Being little in long distance consists mostly of texting cute things and pictures and video chatting while coloring or snuggling my stuffies or just talking little with my daddy. Sometimes we have little nights where we do just little things and I love it! When it comes to rules I have a list and I have to make sure I follow them and if I don't I have to report back to daddy for punishment. Which then leads back to playtime activities. So a 24/7 relationship means I am always in subspace this doesn't mean its always very deep but I am always ready for command and to enter a deeper space. I am also not always little but I tend to be more often because I am always in subspace. This subspace only applies to my daddy, meaning I don't just submit to anyone I know my owner and my place. I also always call my daddy, daddy, dada, master, Sir, etc. to show that he is always in control of me. My main goal besides pleasing him and being ready to please him is to make him proud especially at things like work and being outside of my house. I represent him in all I do so I never want people to think he is bad or wrong and I want to show that I am a well trained little and that I know my place with my daddy. Anyway that's just some of our relationship there is probably more but I can't really think of much right now as I am sleepy and feeling little all of a sudden. Just remember that not all relationships are the this could sound totally stupid to you or this could sound perfect or parts could be cool etc. Always know that being little and being a caregiver is a special thing and finding a groove is the best thing you can do so find that song with your little or caregiver and live the happy CG/L lifestyle that works best for you.

If you have any questions just throw them below, I would love to talk more!
Find you CG/L Song and Dance,

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