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Thursday, June 27, 2019

The First Post From My Daddy!

So my daddy has been checking up on my blog and was really excited about those sub and little space multiday challenges and wanted to try one for himself. As this is his first post I will be asking him the questions and typing out the answers for him. I hope you enjoy another set of questions and learning more about my daddy and me!
  1. Dada bear
  2. of course little pannyboi41
  3. 2 years
  4. spanking for a pleasurable punishment or writing lines for a harsh punishment 
  5. Indian food
  6. going to a nice restaurant like 5 stars dressing up really nice and dressing my little up really nice and then seeing a cute little movie and then being in bed together cuddling and being close to each other
  7. No self-harm, no talking bad about yourself, always address me properly as sir daddy master, etc. and many more
  8. their suit ;)
  9. Yes when we are in person and my favorite implement right now is my hand 
  10. Yes not hyper but I enjoy it as part of our relationship
  11. No self-harm, no speaking badly about myself and I try to be a role model so I do similar things I give rules out for
  12. It's hard because I am a switch (me too!) but the look of submission in my little eyes it makes me feel in control 
  13. Nothing at this time I have found 
  14. Green 
  15. Hawaiian shirt and shorts or Adidas pants and jackets 
  16. For me, no drugs or alcohol (I don't do well on it) and I will only have one little and my little will only have one daddy
  17. For me, apple for my little, cucumber 
  18. Pansexual and pannysexual
  19. I like taking care of people and I naturally fit into this community 
  20. My grandparent's small house with a pool and hot tub in the back with a playroom for my little and a playroom for us with studies for both of us to enjoy our time and space 
  21. The bestest most obedient perfect little ever pannyboi41
  22. Just looking at my little turns me on, body worship (either way) and knife play
  23. Intense gore and scat play (I do like golden shower play) and I don't like full body leather or rubber 
  24. We facetime as soon as we can and talk for as long as my little can stay up and we say goodnight and say one good thing about our day and we always say good morning when we first wake up and others 
  25. I would say everything but they told me I can't say that so their caring heart it makes them so wonderful and the most special kind of person to me making them the most perfect little (crying, can't handle him sometimes) 
  26. That I am not a good enough daddy and I don't provide enough guidance 
  27. Swearing especially in front of my little, obsession over small things that no one else cares about
  28. I have a lot of names; bug, little puppo, baby boy/girl, otter, pannicakes
  29. Talk little to them, command them in non-sexual ways
  30. My ability to communicate effectively with many different people in many different forms of communicating   
  31. I'm funny and like to joke with people
  32. Whenever my little is in full subspace and I can be totally in control we may be in a 24/7 CG/L relationship but I don't always want to place so much on my little but when they are in full subspace I go all out 
Daddy- "Be good, don't do anything I wouldn't do"
Sorry about the weird numbering the outline we were working off was messed up. I hoped you enjoyed hearing from my daddy, maybe he will talk more next week!

Loves, Candy, Coloring, and Caregivers,
Pannyboi41 and TheKuma (My Daddy) 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A Little About Us

Hello Everyone,
So I wanted to write this post after someone asked me about my relationship style and I wanted to tell you all about daddy and I and how our relationship works being that it is long distance and 24/7. Anyway, so I am what I would like to call a non-brat little. I know, I know you are probably thinking...WHAT a non-brat little? Isn't being a brat part of being a little? Well, I would like to say that every little is different and I have found that I don't like being a brat, I just don't find it to be a part of my personality I have always been one to follow the rules if I find them fair and as any good BDSM/CG/L couple should do is talk through rules to make sure they are fair for both parties. My daddy also likes that I am not bratty he feels more comfortable and finds it better for our relationships compared to his other CG/L relationships in which he had brats and didn't like them. So, in conclusion, I am a rule fallowing little. On to daddy, he is a laid back dom and daddy. He is strick when he needs to be but he finds more pleasure in making me happy and keeping me safe. His rules are more based on my safety and health rather than for his pure pleasure. We do have some that are simply for him but he isn't strict about them more if I have the time and energy to do them. The main goal in our relationship is to make each other happy and pleased and we both do our best through rules and punishment to keep it that way. Because I am a rule fallowing little instead of punishments we do discipline and training to keep me in line and to enjoy the kinky parts of a CG/L relationship. Being that we are long distance this can be difficult as one could imagine but we do a lot of facetime calls and role-playing through texts. In the calls, I have to discipline myself which at first was hard for me but I soon found my groove and was able to submit to my own punishment. I use toys and bondage, whips and my own hands to perform the actions daddy tells me to do. During this time I also make sure my daddy is being pleasured and happy with my performance. Checking in is very important when dealing with long distance discipline this means both parties make sure each is getting what they desire or need during playtime. With role-playing over text, we have a start work and an end word along with the safe word so that I can fully be in subspace and daddy and be in domspace. When texting we use action ** to signify movement or action and we use normal text to displace something being said. This can become challenging at times but it is also really fun to showcase actions that can't be done over video or fantasies that we hold and want to do one day once we are together. After both video chatting and texting daddy always does aftercare which for me because we are apart I love when daddy tells me what he would do for aftercare or daddy tells me to do different things like drink water/eat or take a shower/bath. I really like though when he tells me all that he would do if we were together like watching movies, bathing together, eating snacks, etc. I also tend to go into little space right after play time and daddy really embraces that. Speaking about little space I tend not to be controlled in my little space meaning I will go into little space any time I feel comfortable and in need of that time --  it has become more of a coping skill but I also do it when I am happy. Daddy doesn't control my little space and I can even do it when he isn't around even though it's not as fun. I am so happy to have a daddy that doesn't control that part of me and allows me to fit any age I feel comfortable from very little like 1-2 to a bit older 5-6. Being little in long distance consists mostly of texting cute things and pictures and video chatting while coloring or snuggling my stuffies or just talking little with my daddy. Sometimes we have little nights where we do just little things and I love it! When it comes to rules I have a list and I have to make sure I follow them and if I don't I have to report back to daddy for punishment. Which then leads back to playtime activities. So a 24/7 relationship means I am always in subspace this doesn't mean its always very deep but I am always ready for command and to enter a deeper space. I am also not always little but I tend to be more often because I am always in subspace. This subspace only applies to my daddy, meaning I don't just submit to anyone I know my owner and my place. I also always call my daddy, daddy, dada, master, Sir, etc. to show that he is always in control of me. My main goal besides pleasing him and being ready to please him is to make him proud especially at things like work and being outside of my house. I represent him in all I do so I never want people to think he is bad or wrong and I want to show that I am a well trained little and that I know my place with my daddy. Anyway that's just some of our relationship there is probably more but I can't really think of much right now as I am sleepy and feeling little all of a sudden. Just remember that not all relationships are the this could sound totally stupid to you or this could sound perfect or parts could be cool etc. Always know that being little and being a caregiver is a special thing and finding a groove is the best thing you can do so find that song with your little or caregiver and live the happy CG/L lifestyle that works best for you.

If you have any questions just throw them below, I would love to talk more!
Find you CG/L Song and Dance,

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

It's Hard Without Daddy

Hi :(,
So since being back home, I am having a really hard time without daddy. I just seem broken and depressed. We talk as much as we can but I was spoiled being with him for even a week.  I just want to be back in his arms where I feel at home. It was nice that the other day daddy's friends commented that we were a cute couple and daddy has been a lot happier since he met me and I totally feel the same. My parents have commented that I seem happy and healthier now that I have my daddy (even though they don't know he is my daddy they just think he is my boyfriend). Anyway just a little update I guess on how I have been feeling and I just wanted to share it has been hard to feel up to doing anything but hopefully daddy and I can get out of this rut and we can be happy little clams again -- not that we aren't happy together more than we are feeling the distance.

Be Good and Stay Lovely,

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

One Week Wasn't Enough

Hello My Lovely Readers Little and Big,
So last week was the best week of my life I was finally able to travel to Texas to see my daddy! It was a long crazy amazing week that was the greatest of all time, so let's talk about it...

Saturday, June 1st-
I got up super early to make sure I could drive to the airport and get there on time. The airport that is closest to me is about an hour away and my flight left at 7 so I had to get up at about 3 to be on time. Once there I checked in and said goodbye to my parents and waited for my flight to board. On the plane, I started to get nervous that I wasn't going to be good enough for my daddy or he wasn't going to like me in person, I tried to push those away once I finally landed after about 4 hours. I walked as fast as I could to the baggage claim and had a hard time finding my daddy but once I did and we had our first hug and kiss everything fell into place and I didn't have a worry about our relationship. We drove the hour back to his house and I got changed and relaxed a little bit before heading to the mall to have our first real date together. We walked through the mall and went in and out of shops just spending time talking and enjoying each other it was so nice. We even went to get candy and sodas and went to the book store. Once back home we went out for Indian food with his family and he taught me how to play this card game he really likes. That night we slept on the floor of his game room which was a little uncomfy but we were finally able to make love and enjoy each other's bodies for real -- this made my life and all the time waiting worth it.

Sunday, June 2nd-
We got up at a normal hour and decided after breakfast to go swimming in his pool. It was so nice int eh eat of Texas to have a place to cool off and have a little fun in the outdoors. After swimming, we decided to go to the movies to see the new Godzilla flick. We got popcorn and candy and soda and it was so yummy and fun sadly I had a headache and it made it hard to watch the movie but it went away during the start and I began to feel better and I was able to fully enjoy the movie with my daddy. It was a little bit scary for a little one like me but daddy kept me safe and sound. That night we had Japanese food and went to another candy store near daddy's house. After we spent some time int he game room fooling around and watching TV and being silly goofs.

Monday, June 3rd-
Monday was similar to Sunday in the morning in that we spent it swimming and enjoying the outdoors as much as we could with it being 104 degrees outside. After that, we went out for Mexican food for lunch which was so tasty and I probably ate 100 corn chips. The best part of the day was going tot he arcade where we played all sorts of crazy weird games like this ping pong game where you try to light up all the tiles by throwing ping pong balls at them. Daddy and I had so much fun playing around and doing racing games and we even did a photo booth but the camera was too high and you couldn't really see either of us in the pictures. We even were able to get a few prizes which were so nice because daddy tried so hard to get me this purple bear I liked. We played for a long while and then we went food shopping and made some food pizza I believe for dinner. It was so nice to have a homie meal and eat with daddy at home like we will once we get married. Another night int he game room just enjoying each other and whatever else we find entertaining.

Tuesday, June 4th-
Today was a busy crazy day but it was a lot of fun. We went to the museum and it was huge and was full of so many things some creepy and some really interesting. They had a huge section on dino's were daddy got my a tiny dino plush. There was also a section on Egypt and different native American peoples and these cool animal art pieces and energy and chemistry and really pretty gems and jewels! It was so much fun walking around the four levels going through all the interesting things and finding out about ancient people or new art. I felt so little being there with daddy and I just felt so happy learning and exploring with daddy. We went out for Greek food which was soooo yummy and went to the local book shop to get a book on gems which daddy found so interesting at the museum. That night we also got to use the hot tub attached to the pool and played with these little toy water guns we got. It was nice and relaxing and a good way to end that day before another night of each other. 

Wednesday, June 5th-
It rained this day which pushed our plans off for the day but we still got to do some stuff. We went to the movies again and saw Aladen. I loved this movie as a kid and this brought back so many memories and I also cried during some of it because it meant so much to me especially being there with daddy. After the movie, we spent a little more time at the mall and picked up a few games to play. We went to lunch at this little place called Le Madilyn that makes amazing tomato soup and I enjoyed it so much as it is one of my favorite soups ever. We went home after and spent some time playing games and just enjoying a quiet evening and night and watched some TV and ate popcorn.

Thursday, June 6th-
Another busy day for daddy and me but it was so much fun. We went to this place called Moody Garden which is like a zoo and aquarium and they have these 4D movies and all sorts of activities. The first thing we did was see the Amazon section had all sorts of animals life colorful birds and bats and turtles and these huge fish and otters. I loved the otters as they are one of my favorite animals. After the rain forest section, we went to see the fishes. This section was really cool they even had a touch tank where I got to touch a sea flap flap and a starfish. We also got to see penguins and seals play around which daddy really liked because he loves penguins. After that section, daddy bought me a stuffed sea flap flap and I love him so much because I got to touch them! We roamed around the other sections a little then took this really relaxing boat ride on the ocean. I was so nice and was a lovely end to the crazy day. We left and went to the rain forest cafe which I hadn't been too in years and I even got to make an elephant build a bear which they had INSIDE the cafe. Then we got to get ice cream I got banana with Heath bar inside. Once home we went to bed early as we were both super sleepy.

Friday, June 7th-
Friday was another day back at the mall to get the last few things we wanted and to kill a little time before we went to game night with daddy's Friends. For lunch, we went out for BBQ which was the first time I really had BBQ in my life and it was so worth the wait. I also got sweet tea and I felt like a real Texan. After lunch, we went to the card shop where daddy likes to play cards with his friends and he competed where I sat and read or walked around the huge shop rummaging through bins or reading comics. I had a really nice time but I started to get really sleepy as we stayed and my tummy wanted food. But lucky for me, all the guys went out for food and daddy and I joined them. We didn't stay long as we were both very sleepy but we spent a little time together that night before heading off to our separate beds that we were forced to sleep in each night.

Saturday, June 8th-
My last day there was really hard but we tried to make the most of it. We first went to the gardens to enjoy the many plants and flowers and sunshine. Even though it was super hot we still had a good time even though every so often one of us would start crying. We then took a trip to the old town and went shopping. I wanted to get a few things for my parents and brother and couldn't find anything at the mall. The last lunch I had was at another cafe where we had this amazing lemon and poppy seed cheesecake. It was had to ride to the airport and saying goodbye took a long time but I got on the plane late that night and cried a few times as I road home.

This week was one of the best I had in my entire life. I got to finally meet my daddy in person and spend so much time do amazing things with him. We didn't get to do many naughty things as someone was always at home but we were able to explore each other and find out what it truly like to be with each other. He didn't get to really punish me or train me but every day he put my collar on me and every night he took it off for me. That made my day every day truly as I felt like I really belonged to him. I can't wait for him to come to see me next in the winter where we should have more time to do more naughty things and for him to fall in love with my home town.

Love Your Caregiver Always (and your Littles too of Course),