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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Busy Week = Fussy Little

HI There,
I know I haven't done this in a LONG time but I wanted to share some advice with you all that I found out this week as I had a stressful and long annoying week.
As a little in college on their final year with only 28 days until graduation I find myself in very stressful and non-little friendly environments, This week was one of those weeks. Not only was I ill but everyone seemed to want to have a meeting with me or talk with me or give me more work then the already crazy days I have, anyway I digress, now to the reason for the rant:
When littles get fussy about big people things the best an LDR caregiver can do I found is this:

  • let them rant without saying anything constructive just let them get it all out without interruptions or the feeling the CG is trying to fix everything
  • Once they get it out ask if they want advice or if they just want the CG's,simple love
  • give them what they asked for (somethings may not require advice it could have just been a long day)
  •  let them be little for as long as possible - one of the reasons we get so fussy is because we don't get to be little during the day and release some of the stress that is building up
  • Be as loving as possible (not hard for most CG)
  • do some stress relief things with them such as coloring listening to music and even naughty time
For littles during the day try some of these things to make it through without getting too fussy
  • bring coloring things, most people do this now anyway
  • bring a small stuffy with you and take a break in the bathroom and hold it for a minute can really relieve some stress
  • listen to Disney or other little songs on your phone
  • Watch a little show when waiting easy to hide on a small phone
  • talk with your caregiver and be little with them over text
  • use a cute water bottle and cute lunch box
  • bring a little magazine or book and if people ask tell them you are reading them to make sure they are good for your child or niece
  • write cute letters to your GC
I hope these helped!

With Sunshine,

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