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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Hobbies for Littles

 Hi there,

So I was super bored this week so I wanted to start a new hobby! I decided that I should write a list of all the great hobbies a little can do that makes them feel little and that they would enjoy on the regular. 

  • collecting and reading books
    • great because reading is a fun activity but you can collect old children's books and no one would suspect anything if the books are old enough
    • I collect manga but many of them are children's books and no one knows
  • art
    • any kind doesn't matter as long as it makes you happy and if you call it art no one asks why you are playing with clay
    • I love coloring and drawing weird manga like stuff
  • learn a language 
    • this can be really challenging but the best way to start is with children's books, activities and videos 
    • I'm currently learning ASL and I'm using baby videos to learn 
  • Journaling 
    • little journals (I have written about these before)
    • I keep mine and try to do a part at least once a month if not more
  • Blogging
    • super fun and can be about anything even a blog on a new hobby
    • as you can see I write a blog and I love writing about being a little
  • Post on Instagram 
    • just be really careful there are creepy people out there
    • I have an instagram that I post about myself and my blog and other writing and things I enjoy
  • Write
    • this can be about anything write a fan fic like I do!
    • I love writing even though I am super bad at it but I am working on a novel based off a fan fic I wrote hopefully I finish it
  • Learn and instrument 
    • this can be harder for a little but it still can be a fun activity to keep you busy
    • I am trying once again to learn the guitar I hope I get to play at least one song one day
  • Find a pen pal
    • great for littles that are long distance your CG can be your pen pal or find one online but be very careful
    • I have one in Hawaii and she is super cool
  • Learn a card game
    • like MTG or Vanguard some can even be played online 
    • I used to paly Magic and it was really fun
So here is a short list of some of the fun things you can do. Check out my other posts for more ideas to keep busy!

Fun and Games,

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A New Thing (NSFW)


So before I start I need to say ask your CG before you read on its very important because this is a very naughty post. 

So while my daddy was at my house last we went to a naughty store. It was really cool they had like everything. My daddy almost bought me a puppyhood and collar but we had our eye set on one particular item daddy wanted to buy me a strap-on and a new dildo that was realistic. We found a really nice strap-on and a dildo that was 6 inches with realistic balls and shaft. It was so pretty (maybe a weird word). 

When we got home I was super excited to try it so daddy had me strip and he helped me put on the strap. Then my daddy did something really naughty. I used his mouth on me. It felt so good. I pulled his hair a little and moved my hips with his mouth. It was amazing to watch and turned me on so so much. He made these sounds that I could only describe as choking but in a super sexy way (?). It was truly nothing I have ever experienced before. I have had other partners and I have used straps with them that were realistic but for some reason, this was unlike any time before. I felt such a connection with him and I felt like the strap-on was really me. I felt like the manliest man in the world, even when I was making the most femme sounds. After some time I had to touch myself and I came the most I have in a long time. I felt like I came like a man even though I was touching my clit. Truly it was a life-changing moment I felt like a man a real man, not a trans boy wearing a strap. 

The next day we did something similar the next day and I didn't feel as manly but it still was amazing. I just it was truly something I never expected when we bought the strap-on and dildo. I knew it was going to be fun but I never realized that it could take my doughts and throw them to the side. 


I hope those trans and cis littles find moments that feel this good because everyone deserves this even if it's not a sexual moment, just a moment that makes you feel who you really are.  

Naughty and Boyish,


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Ideas for your Journal


Sorry, I missed last week but I didn't have internet for a few days and I have been having a hard time lately as I had to stop therapy because they would accept my insurance anymore and I started my new job so I really don't have time to go anymore. ANYWAY, because I don't get to go to therapy anymore I decided to start journaling more. I did it a little when I was in therapy but now I am doing it once a week at least. So I wanted to create a list of topics I can write about and I thought I would share it here. 

  • what are you most in love with?
  • what makes you smile and laugh?
  • what do you hate and what can you do to change those feelings?
  • if you could write a letter to anyone who would it be and what would you say?
  • who is your hero?
  • what makes you a hero?
  • if you could do anything for a job what would it be?
  • what would you tell the void/god/universe if you could?
  • what makes you feel little and big?
  • thank your body for being it
  • streams of thought -- just right what you think
  • describe your best day
  • make a list of all the things you want to do big or small
  • write a letter to your childhood best friend 
  • how would you take care of a puppy/cat/fish
This list is super short but I just wanted to get the wheels turning and to make you think of a few things. If you want add to this list and keep going. This is for sure something I will bring up later to be aware :3

Kindness and Caring,
