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Saturday, May 23, 2020

What to Pack in Your Little Bag

What you up to?
I am up to this, writing my blog! So this is more of a post for all the CGs out there but I wanted to share because I was thinking about this, what to pack in your "diaper" bag.

  • make sure you bag is nice and big or have separate a bag for your baby to hold and one for you to carry too -- a backpack is great!
  • make sure to have drinks and snacks -- put them in a cute water bottle and a little snack container for easy grabbing with little hands
  • bring some activities -- maybe a few books and other toys to keep the little one busy in the car or if they have to wait for a period of time 
  • wipes -- littles get sticky
  • extra shirt or sweater -- littles tend to get dirty so just in case have one, also littles get cold we tiny so we might need extra clothes 
  • socks too! -- sometimes puddles are just too fun not to jump in
  • flip flops or sandals -- in case we get our shoes wet or we get too hot in shoes 
  • coloring stuff and stickers -- more things to keep busy 
  • chap stick -- at least for me I always need this stuff
  • their phone or other communication -- if you use two separate bags make sure they have some way of contacting you in case you get separated 
  • nappies -- not all littles use these but if yours does make sure to have a few on hand just in case 
  • a few treats like candy -- if your little waited patently or asked nicely make sure to reward them
  • a comfort object -- sometimes the outside world can be really scary 
As always this is just a basic list so please add or subtract as your little needs or wants!

Pannycakes and Pumpkins,

Saturday, May 16, 2020

That Time of the Month the Little Way

Hello again,
One of the many things I hate about being big is that time of the month -- not only does it make me feel the most un-little ever but as someone that is genderqueer it makes me feel very very yucky. Like a good little blogger, I decided that I should share my tips for getting through this time as a cis/queer or any kind of little.

  • use a heating pad or a nice warm bottle for cramps it will also make you feel really cozy
  • drink tea with a little honey it will help your tummy feel better
  • snuggles help the most even if it's just from your favorite stuffy or blanket 
  • take a nice warm shower and even baths if you can 
  • make sure you stay clean, its easy to just want to stay in bed but make sure to get yourself nice and clean
  • getting outside will help, exercising can make you feel better and fresh air is always good for littles
  • eat healthy foods, I know we just want candy and cookies but make sure to eat healthily it will make the bloating less bad
  • drink tons and tons of water the best thing to make those headaches go away
  • wear your favorite comfy clothes make sure they aren't too tight, but as long as it makes you happy then put it on
  • this may be an okay time to wear a nappy especially at night, it will make you feel little and protect those cute PJs
  • sometimes you need some medication to make you feel better, take them with pudding it always goes down easier 
  • it's okay to whine, even if your CG doesn't like it just let it out  
  • you will get emotional do comforting things to help, watch a happy movie, have a nap, take a few good breaths, talk to some little friends or your caregiver, play with your suffices, anything that may help you get through the day as a happy baby, pick up your journal too 
So that's all I can think of and do to make this time of the month not a heck scape if you have any more ideas pass them along they can be super helpful :3

Be Free and Lovely,

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sneaky Little Outfits

Hello to all my Little and Big Friends!
I was thinking about what it will finally be like to be able to go outside again with the fear of being sick. When thinking about the new life outside the house I started thinking about the outfits I might wear besides the same pants that I keep wearing every day. So here is a list of cute and fun away of showing you little side while being outside your little space:

  • wear little underclothes -- this could mean cute socks or even a pare of underwear
  • get a hooded jacket with ears -- these are all the rage in Japan so why not give it a try
  • wear softer colors -- just like baby clothes
  • onsies -- people are already wearing these normally so put yours on and join the team or wear it under another shirt no one will suspect a thing
  • paci? -- if you continue to wear a mask its easy to hide a paci underneath it 
  • make an anklet -- bracelets are hard to hide so put that little creation under you pant leg
  • use cute hair things -- bows, bows, bows! 
  • attach a stuffie -- attach a stuffied toy to your belt another Japanese style
  • use a cute phone case -- or a background/wallpaper 
  • add a patch to your jeans or back pack -- maybe add a pin too even something small that shows off your littleness without being too obvious 
  • try a fun hat -- I love wearing my Jojo's Bizarre Adventure inspired hat when I feel little
  • Do YOU! -- what even makes you feel little and comfortable do it!
So I hope these little hints show you a few ways of hiding your littleness in plain sight and make you feel extra special when going outside. Enjoy the sunshine!

Playthings and Pacis,
Baby Johnny Joestar AKA Best Jojo