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Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Good Evening!
So at it is my birthday month daddy and I decided that writing out a gift list would be a cute idea, so... here we go! Great for Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Any Holiday or just a cute gift, this gift list has it all!

Gifts for Caregivers:

  • A gift card to a place they like or out to food for two!- get to know your dom through their favorite store or type of food
  • Get something useful for them- maybe something for the kitchen or a place to keep their keys
  • A piece for their collection or a new addition to their hobby- learn about their passion and get something to go along with it, even if it isn't exactly right they will be happy you tried
  • Maybe a piece of clothing or new shoes- find sneaky ways of getting sizes and that perfect shirt or nice pair of trainers
  • Funny/Fun gifts- get them something silly that will make both of you happy when they see it, maybe a fake Harry Potter wand or goofy undergarments something that will put a nice smile on their face
  • Gift Baskets- everyone loves many gifts in one pick a theme and roll with it
  • Something Naughty!- Try some new lube or a type of condom, or maybe step up the game with a crop and paddle set or even a sexy outfit for you so you can be their gift this year. 
  • HOMEMADE- its a prove fact caregivers love homemade presents (I don't make the rules)
Gifts for Littles:
  • Almost anything above!
  • Anything Cute
  • Anything Sparkly 
  • Anything Colorful
  • Anything to Play With
  • New Sippies and Pacis 
  • New PJ's are a must!
  • Something special to wear out, be it a necklace, shoes, dress or tie just something to feel special in
  • Upgrade their collar 
  • Get them that thing they have been eyeing -- you know, that thing!
  • Try new foods from the international sections especially candy 
  • Get them something to wear for you- sexy, sexy
  • Take them on a shopping trip
  • Fun little books and movies 
  • A night in where you cook together and enjoy each other 
  • Fun stuff for the bath 
  • Any little item mentioned in other posts 
  • A new friend, I always love new stuffies 
  • Homemade stuff littles love!
Just remember its the thought that counts, I know no matter what your caregiver/little will love what you give even if it means a special night of naughty fun, as long as you gave it some thought and love everyone will enjoy!

Giving and Getting,

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