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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Let's Party!

SO, Daddy and I decided that we would talk about throwing a party for a little (and it may just be a party for two)!

What daddy said about this:
-budget out how you want to spend on the party, including the number of people
-decorate! Cute things like more for a kids party, even dollar store stuff
-I like streamers cute twisted up kind
-party poppers
-do something special for your little before the party like a date or a trip to the mall -- make it little themed if possible
-little food classics like mac and cheese, pizza with the littles favorite toppings, ice-cream, cake! (but only a little for a little one) or if you don't want or don't need a big cake do cake pops (little and cute just like your little one)
-watch a little move and the care-givers can chat
-crafts for those attending to all enjoy, like kids crafts, or pick a theme and let the littles play
-theme the party to something your little is into, like kittens and puppies or a little program
-goodie bags with fun little toys and candy (especially your littles favorite candy), or make them based on your theme
-once everyone has left, the real fun starts ;) (wink, wink)

My turn:
-Some littles don't like getting gifts, ask people to donate to a charity in their name instead
-maybe do a storytime or let the littles put on a show
-if its a party for two make sure the little has all the control on what they want to do (to a point I mean daddy is always in control)
-make sure your little is enjoying themselves sometimes parties cause anxiety
-play outside and enjoy the sun or snow
-Don't forget the candles!!
-Oh and the happy birthday song!
-don't let your little be too bossy other friends don' like that
-just remember this is a special day for your little let them have this time to be comfy and themself in whatever form that may be and if you are lucky enough to have little friends let them enjoy this outing together where they can all be little in a safe environment

Any other recommendations? Add them below!

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Good Evening!
So at it is my birthday month daddy and I decided that writing out a gift list would be a cute idea, so... here we go! Great for Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Any Holiday or just a cute gift, this gift list has it all!

Gifts for Caregivers:

  • A gift card to a place they like or out to food for two!- get to know your dom through their favorite store or type of food
  • Get something useful for them- maybe something for the kitchen or a place to keep their keys
  • A piece for their collection or a new addition to their hobby- learn about their passion and get something to go along with it, even if it isn't exactly right they will be happy you tried
  • Maybe a piece of clothing or new shoes- find sneaky ways of getting sizes and that perfect shirt or nice pair of trainers
  • Funny/Fun gifts- get them something silly that will make both of you happy when they see it, maybe a fake Harry Potter wand or goofy undergarments something that will put a nice smile on their face
  • Gift Baskets- everyone loves many gifts in one pick a theme and roll with it
  • Something Naughty!- Try some new lube or a type of condom, or maybe step up the game with a crop and paddle set or even a sexy outfit for you so you can be their gift this year. 
  • HOMEMADE- its a prove fact caregivers love homemade presents (I don't make the rules)
Gifts for Littles:
  • Almost anything above!
  • Anything Cute
  • Anything Sparkly 
  • Anything Colorful
  • Anything to Play With
  • New Sippies and Pacis 
  • New PJ's are a must!
  • Something special to wear out, be it a necklace, shoes, dress or tie just something to feel special in
  • Upgrade their collar 
  • Get them that thing they have been eyeing -- you know, that thing!
  • Try new foods from the international sections especially candy 
  • Get them something to wear for you- sexy, sexy
  • Take them on a shopping trip
  • Fun little books and movies 
  • A night in where you cook together and enjoy each other 
  • Fun stuff for the bath 
  • Any little item mentioned in other posts 
  • A new friend, I always love new stuffies 
  • Homemade stuff littles love!
Just remember its the thought that counts, I know no matter what your caregiver/little will love what you give even if it means a special night of naughty fun, as long as you gave it some thought and love everyone will enjoy!

Giving and Getting,

Thursday, October 3, 2019

I Have a Concussion

I got a concussion so it's hard for me to be on my computer, but I still wanted to talk with everyone cause I have been missing my little friends and times with you.

So because I can't think of much to write I'll add some of my favorite little food recipes for when I don't feel good:

Sick Day Chicken Soup:

  • two cooked chicken breasts
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 2 big carrots 
  • 3 celery sticks
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 cup noodles or rice 
  • garlic, salt, pepper to taste
  • I love adding some spice to help open up my nose with pepper flakes (the ones on pizza)
  • dried herbs like rosemary, thyme, and sage  (go light)
  • optional: lemon juice 
cut all the veggies and add to the boiling broth
once starting to soften add the chicken to warm along with the herbs such
turn off the heat and add the rice or noodles and let sit until cooked through 
optional: add lemon the each serving

Nighty-time drink
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 drops vanilla 
  • 1 pinch cinnamon
heat milk in a microwave until really warm stir in honey and vanilla then add the cinnamon on top 

Simple Fruit Yogurt
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup frozen then partially thawed strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and mangos
  • 1 cup cut-up pineapple
  • 1 tbs of sliced almonds
  • banana chips
put yogurt in a bowl add the other things on top --  eat slowly 

There are more but maybe ill add those next week, my eyes are starting to hurt from my computer 

Until then,

Stay you Stay you Stay you,