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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Something New-NSFW

Hello all,
Before I start I want it to be KNOWN this is NSFW talk. I also want you all to respect each other in the ways we regress and the reasons we do and what we do when we regress. I know many people hate on others in the regression community but there is no need for it we are all the same and all different and we need to respect that... anyway here we go...
So just a few days ago daddy and I decided while on call to be naughty and have a play session together. We were going at it as we normally do but while I was touching I felt strange and started to regress. Daddy decided I was safe and in an okay position to continue to touch myself while I was in little space. This was not something that has ever happened before or something we have talked about but I trusted my daddy to keep me safe and guide me through this new interaction and he did just that.  I don’t know why my mind ended up where it did but I am not shying away from this experience. Daddy and I talked about it for a while and made up our own new rules and ways of working through this new adventure. The one thing I would like to be known as I do not consider this age play as that’s not what it was I did not start out in little space and then was forced to have sex I was not forced to regress in this situation or anything like that this was a regression that just happened it wasn’t forced by me or my daddy. I know a lot of you will not like hearing about this story and I understand that just know we all regress for different reason and sometimes we regress in places we don’t want to or didn’t expect and that’s all that happened here.

Thank you for reading my Little Talk
Stay you forever,

(Turtle friend from the local aquarium)

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