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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Taking Care of a CG- LRD

So daddy mentioned this for a blog idea and I thought it would be lovely so I wanted to share the things I have learned about taking care of my daddy being a little in a long-distance relationship.

  • make sure over all else they know they are loved! It is so important they know this, sometimes daddies forget they are loved when they love so hard and much
  • make sure your daddy is eating, sometimes they forget as they are so busy
  • check-in with daddy throughout the day, daddies have the scary, unhappy thoughts too and you will be able to help for sure
  • sometimes daddies forget that they need to shower or floss or take their meds, so remind them in your sweet voice 
  • daddies sometimes stay up way too late so when saying good time remind them to get to bed too they may question who is in charge but they will for sure appreciate the gesture  
  • is your daddy having fun? Maybe you two can play a game on messenger or while you color on facetime he can play his switch  
  • send cute photos throughout the day so daddy doesn't worry, worrying can make things harder for daddy
  • do something for daddy instead of being a brat maybe be extra sweet so he doesn't always have a hard day
  • send him sweet things! I love sending daddy letters and cards
  • daddies get sick too make sure to give them time if they need sleep, I know it's hard being away or not texting but he needs rest 
all in all, remember CGs take great care of you so do a little bit in return, it's hard when you are in an LDR but there is always a way to make them feel all the love you have for them!

Be Loving and Cute,

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