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Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Hello All,
SO, as usual, I guess for me, I am sick :( so daddy suggested a post on how to take care of sick littles:

  • diagnosis the illness -- what's going on what making your little not feel good?
  • take action -- build a comfort area for your little with all their stuffies and a movie or soft music 
  • comfort -- make sure to wrap them in cuddle and huggles 
  • care -- make sure your little drinks enough fluids especially water and ginger ale if the little tummy is acting up, if they can, have them take some medicine especially with a fever
  • care II -- make them some soup with some toast and crackers, even if it isn't a tummy problem warm soup is always nice 
  • if the little is hot -- draw a cooler bath but not too cold 
  • if cold -- draw a nice warm bath
  • care III -- tea is a nice way to relax and is good for the throat and sleep, and tummy rubs  are nice and can calm a little angry belly
  • care IV -- sometimes dimming or turning off the lights allows mean headaches to go away
  • beddy time -- sleep is important for healing, make sure your little gets a lot of sleep while sick
  • comfort II -- do whatever you can to make your little comfy even if that means giving them some time alone  
  • aftercare -- even if your little is feeling better take things slowly at first because sometimes things come back 
That's all from dada and me! I hope you all feel better soon!

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