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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I'm Not Feeling Good...So Spam!

So I haven't been feeling good so here is a bunch of cute spam

With Loves and Hugs,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Self Care- A Little in a Big World

Being a college student working on their master's degree living so far away from their daddy I find myself not really caring for the body and mind I have. I thought it would be a good idea for not only you but for me to write down a few self-care tips that are not only great for littles but caregivers alike:

  • For Littles:
    • make sure to take a bath or shower every day the warm water can awaken and relax and cold water can renew and close pores
    • brush your teeth twice a day and floss a least once
    • Wear some scent to make you feel cute 
    • brush up your hair you don't want those knots getting in the way of your adorable face
    • take time to have fun -- play with your stuffies or maybe a cool video game
    • meditate or pray a little time to think things through can really relax the mind
    • write in a journal or start a blog, writing can also ease the brain 
    • maybe read a fun book NO homework reading allowed
    • spend that hour doing absolutely nothing be mindless on TV or the internet 
    • exercise or simply take a walk get outside and breath that air
    • talk to a good friend that isn't your caregiver
    • find a cool unique hobby or make something that makes you feel good  
    • eat healthily but treat yourself once in a while 
    • maybe got to church or practice meditation with others 
    • join a club and meet new people 
    • if you need help ask for it even it that means using a texting counseling services something is better than nothing 
    • and make sure to check on your care-giver to see if they are doing these things too they will be happy you care 
  • For Bigs:
    • Mostly the same but remember you are making rules for your little so add some self-care to that list and make sure they keep themselves happy and healthy
I know you have probably seen this a million times but as a social work student I think it is important to know and see and practice -- I know I need to work on it and maybe you do too and that's okay we aren't perfect but we can work at being better than the day before.

Good Luck and Good Cupcakes,

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

A Daddy Post

Pannyboi41 Here, I havent been feeling well and I asked daddy to write a little something for you...

Hello all my name is thekuma and I’m pannyboi41’s daddy. I couldn’t be happier to call them my little buggy and we make quite a pair. From the first time I saw them I just knew that I was made to protect, cherish and love them for my whole life. And even though we’re farther apart then we’d like to be we will always do our best for each other and to make everything work!! The moral to all of this is daddy’s love your little ones with all you’ve got and littles be good for your daddy’s and know that even though that some of you are in long-distance relationships and things seem dark sometimes always be each other’s light and don’t let the distance get you down 


(I Love you Daddy,