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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Rules, Rule, Rules

 Nice to see you all again,

So daddy and I have been talking about rules lately and what they mean for me as a little. As a little that works not only one stressful job but two rules are a way of finding peace in the hectic world. Currently, I am working on a COVID unit at the psych hospital I work at and I also work at an old folks home. The COVID unit is scary because of the well, COVID and the home is hard because I can easily pass COVID and my boss has been very rude to me lately. For me, rules are a way of allowing my brain to shut off and do what I am told. At work, I am told to do a bunch of things but I am ridiculed for the way I do them. I know daddy would never do that to me and would be happy I am just following through. Rules also are for my own benefit so I know what I am doing is helping me in the end. Sometimes rules get in the way and ake me more tired or just make me angry but I know daddy would be proud if I at least "half-assed" (teehee bad word) my rules instead of not following them at all. 

Daddy and I finally finished up our good boy chart and will be starting that this week. I am really excited to start as now I can earn points for following my rules and being the good boy I know I am. For me, rules keep me grounded and healthy. 

When it comes to little culture rules are a huge part of being a little. When I was first finding a daddy that was one of my first questions "what kind of rules do you have?" For some, they want more rules (like me). For others, they want just  a few like "no cheating, eat well, drink water and  listen to me (CG)." Some littles don't want rules at all, but I don't find that to be the case many times. I think rules are a very important part of the little world, they keep us safe, sound, in the right mind, controlled, and active in our own lives.  They make sure we don't self-harm and take our medication. We do self-care and take care of our stuffies. Rules make little remember that we are important! 

Respect and Love,


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Happy New Year -- Manga Review!

 Happy New Year!

This year has been a hard one for sure but we got through it with the help of each other and the love we have for ourselves and our stuffies :). So I was trying to come up with an idea for a blog this week and I was reading a cute manga and I wanted to review a few of the manga I love that make me either feel little or feel like fall into the little community. (sorry I suck at Japanese names so I am going to go by descriptions lol)  

-Sweetness and Lightning: I love this manga! I first saw the anime and just felt so connected to the young girl character! I also love cooking so this manga brought my two favorite coping skills together. This book is a story of a single father trying to take care of his young daughter as she grows up. They both learn many lessons through the manga, but the focus is on both of them growing together. The food comes in when the father feels like he can't cook well for her and wants to learn. He asks a student of his for help and they become great friends learning to cook together! It's a lovely story for those that want to feel little and cared for and want to learn great Japanese recipes (recipe cards included). For me, it's comfort and I learn good lessons from the fictional daddy.

-If it's for my daughter, I would even defeat a demon lord: I picked this one up randomly for cheap at the book store and I totally fell in love! This book takes place in a fictional world where demons and people live together in a world of magic. A young man comes across a young demon girl that has been force from her family for unknown reasons. He decides to take her in and care for her as his daughter. As he is an adventurer he has all the means to send her to school and buy her anything her heart desires. She also spends most of her time with the inn owner where she learns to cook and take care of the patrons who would give their lives for the little girl. I have read all the manga but I have just started the light novels which are what the mangas are based on. These are super fun for the littles that love a good adventure but still want to feel little. They also make me a little jealous I want all the sweet things she gets lol. 

-Little Devils: This one is just fun, like totally fun and kind of dumb. It's a story of a bunch of little devils that are parts of a larger devil. Each has its own power that corresponds to the body part of the main devil (like one is the tail and can use his tail to move things). they also have their own personality and friends within their little community. The fun part is their caretaker is the adventurer that took out the main devil that they broke into. His job is to make them stronger and wiser so they can take care of the underworld without trying to kill all the people on the earth. Throughout the story, you meet all sorts of Gods and angels that help along the way but mostly you run into problems like needing new clothes and washing hands before eating. It's a fun still story that just makes you feel silly and cute. I love it as a little and a big alike. 

I know there is a ton more little/caregiver
manga but here are a few that I have read and wanted to share (I also want to save a few for next time ;)). If you know of any manga that you find comforting and little please share below!!

Read and Snuggle,
