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Sunday, November 21, 2021

Way to Show Affection

 UwU Hi There,

I hope you are all doing well, happy trans awareness week! I was having a hard time coming up with an idea for a blog but as always my daddy was here to help! He thought a blog on affection would be a good idea as we are going to be seeing each other in less than two weeks!

  • gift-giving - this is always a good one when you are in LDR it's a way for your CG or L to know they are being thought of
  • letters and cards - sending a sweet message is a great way of showing someone you love them while keeping the price down
  • hugs - some people love them some don't but they are a lovely way of showing love in a way that isn't sexual
  • kisses - the best to me! I love being kissed and I find it such a cute way of showing affection! I don't mean just lips kisses but head kisses and hand kisses
  • touching - not in a naughty way but a hand on the back or holding hands really can convey the love you have for someone
  • taking care - this is a basic one! Taking care of your CG or your little is the best way of showing love! Reminding them to eat or having to punish them is the most basic way of spreading love in a CGL relationship
  • cuddling and snuggling - keep cozy and warm together showing how much you want to be close
  • doing chores - more for littles but keeping up with your chores shows you respect your CG
  • words of love - saying sweet things can really improve someone's mood and make them feel like you really care
  • spending time - it can be hard to spend time with each other in an LDR but even taking the time to send a text or to call for a few minutes can really show your affection
As some of you may have noticed I used love languages to write some of this - some hold belief
in it and others don't I think they are real and I think they can really help people better understand their partner. Take a quiz and see if it shows you more about how you love and how you like to be loved.

Hugs and Cuddles,

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Some Updates

 Hello, my lovelies,

I really didn't have an idea for this week but some big life stuff just happened so I wanted to share!

So I am getting a second job! I know what you are thinking "when are you going to have time to be little and to write your blog?!" Well, I will still have time I promise! I am not going anywhere! There may be some breaks here and there when I need some time to myself and the blogs may come out on different days but I promise I'll do my best for you all. Also, the job only goes to about 7:30 PM and it starts right after my other job ends. I am doing this for a few reasons: 1) I have been having a hard time mentally and keeping busy helps 2) I have more medical expenses than I originally thought so I could use some extra money to pay for that 3) I enjoy working! Yes you read that right I enjoy spending time with others and helping which is what I can do at this second job (I will be working in dietary in a facility) 

The next big news is I am going to be starting T again soon! I finally got up the nerve and had a good talk with my daddy and we decided a low dose of T will help with my dysphoria. I made the appointment today with the LGBT+ clinic in town and will have my first appointment in December. I am excited but still really nervous because I had some trouble with my parents and acceptance in the past -- the reason I had to stop originally. Also, I have to hide it from my daddy's parents as they are really not accepting of me being trans (hence the low dose - easier to hide the changes). So exciting also scary and the last time I was on it we had to mess with the dose a lot because I was having side effects but because I know now I should have an easier time.  And I went to the store to buy some pants for my job and I found a book about trans identities and it was written by an emby person that was AFAB. I felt so right about making the choice to start T. It felt like a god-sent like I just happened to call the clinic today and I happened to find the book while I was out shopping for pants for my new job -- so many coincidences! I had to buy the book :)

I will be seeing my daddy soon! So in about a month I will be boarding a plane and heading to see my daddy for his sister's wedding. I am so excited to go to a wedding with him as I have never been to a wedding with a date before. It should be really fun and it will be nice to show off a little. The only downside is I have to wear a dress :(.

So that seems to be the big update, sorry for the lame post but I wanted to share my good news and hopefully brighten your day a little just knowing a trans little is doing good.

Rainbows and Lovebugs,
