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Tuesday, August 18, 2020



My daddy had a good idea for a post, how about games to play with your CG!

Video Games

  • Stardew Valley- a super fun game that can be a single-player or multiplayer. Grow your own farm and live it up in the little town and you can even marry the love of your life. Get it on Steam for super cheap.
  • Don't Starve Together- if you can handle the scary parts this creepy single and multiplayer game is great to learn to communicate and work together to stay alive and well in the creepy forest. Get it for Steam today.
  • Webkinz- if your CG is into playing little games make a Webkinz together and play in a super fun animal world. You can even still collect the stuffies! Get online today!
  • Words with friends- my daddy and I just started playing. A scrabble type game that keeps little minds sharp. Get it on the App store.
  • Draw something classic- draw and guess and see who wins! 
  • Word games of two- a simple app that allows two-players to play classic two-player games.
 Board Games

  • Candyland- best for itty-bitty littles
  • Sorry- for older littles that don't mind getting a little revenge
  • Janga- good for older littles that don't mind loud sounds
  • checkers- any age
  • Puzzles together- bigger is better and you both work towards building something awesome
Card Games

  • go fish- for the little littles
  • war- for middle littles 
  • Rummy on the board- for older littles or even when you both are big 
  • Fluxx- fun add ons but this game can be challenging maybe for the older littles 

  • Mad Libs- great fun especially for long car rides
  • there are tons of online apps and games were teams can be built with CGs and littles alike
  • try playing a video game where the little takes and lead, let the CG help along the way
  • make sure its age-appropriate and littles aren't doing something too hard 
  • make sure your little is safe online 
  • Just have fun - board games are my favorite >///<
That's all for now,

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

50 Reasons Why I Love Being Little

Hey There,
I haven't been able to regress in a while so I decided to write a post about the reasons why I love being a little: 
  1. get to relive a childhood I didn't get
  2. stickers are amazing
  3. coloring is very calming 
  4. little snacks are healthier then what I could be eating 
  5. little shows always have happy endings 
  6. onesies are super cozy
  7. stuffies are never mean
  8. little friends make the world happier
  9. having someone look after me makes me feel safer
  10. diapers are great for periods 
  11. I can cry for no reason and its okay 
  12. candy is better eaten as a little
  13. milk tastes better with vanilla 
  14. I can be any gender and still feel comfortable 
  15. I get to use my imagination more 
  16. someone reminds me to take my medication 
  17. having someone that knows me fully at the different ages I act out is really amazing 
  18. I love wearing a collar and I wear it with pride
  19. little journaling is better than not journaling at all
  20. it good for my mental health 
  21. holding hands 
  22. taking baths makes me more calm and cozy 
  23. snuggles!!
  24. cuddles!!
  25. I feel more creative and free of judgment 
  26. naughty time is better with a daddy and master
  27. punishments remind me of what I should do 
  28. rules keep me in check and remind me of the important things 
  29. animals just seem cuter 
  30. I can express myself in a fun way 
  31. shew toys help with my oral fixation 
  32. sippies are best EVER
  33. little plates mean better portion control 
  34. adult coloring books are too challenging lol 
  35. build-a-bear is a great store
  36. wearing a crown and leading a stuffie army 
  37. sparkles 
  38. ribbons and bows 
  39. dinosaurs arent scary
  40. legos
  41. Webkinz!
  42. pacis relax me better than anything 
  43. that one special stuffy that means the world to me 
  44. space is full of stars and wonder
  45. being tucked in 
  46. being called cute pet names 
  47. pouting to get what you want 
  48. the pure bliss of the CG hug 
  49. not worrying about anything 
  50. because being little is just so much fun!
I hope to add to this list as I go but being little means so much to me and I hopefully be able to get to regressing!

Happy Day and Sunshine,