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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reading Together

Hi There,
So lately things have been going smoothly and life is going well for both daddy and me. It's nice to not have to worry, it makes things "boring" but I would rather be bored than worried or thinking that something is going wrong in our relationship. As I said before we entered the next phase in life together and even though it can become redundant I find it comforting and homey -- like I always know what to expect and do not fear the unknowing of a new relationship. In past relationships I hated this part and would end up doing many things I regretted but with my daddy something is different maybe its because of distance or because this relationship is just healthier and I find more pleasure and peace in it, but I don't feel the need to find the newness of a relationship again. I also seemed to be chasing that high that comes with a new love or crush that first few times talking used to be my favorite and I would end up cheating just to get that rush and newness, but as I said with my daddy I don't feel the need to find that newness and I find that to be the most comforting experience of my life. SO anyway enough about my troubled past you came here for fun and little talk. One thing daddy and I have been doing is reading to each other (mostly daddy reading to me). My daddy has never ready Harry Potter before so we decided to start there and read all the books together. So far this has been truly amazing and something I feel all long-distance (and non-LDR) should do. It's easy and fun and most books can be found as PDFs online now so you can even take turns on who is reading. I know my daddy loves to dear me read to him and I enjoy it just the same. To me it makes me feel like he is closer and almost like we are in the same bed together and he is reading to me before we fall asleep -- a comforting homey lovely feeling if I do say so myself. My advice, pick up a book even a children's book and read to your little -- I know for a fact they will love it!

Respect and Kisses,

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Second Real Fight and Heading Back to School Soon

Greetings my lovelies so sad news daddy and I had a sort of fight thing last night. It most comprised of a few things being said and both of use getting emotional and upset. It ended though last night which is always for the best never go to bed angry or upset they say. It was hard but we both decided we have to better for each other and learn from this time. I believe this is an important part of any relationship, even if it hurt before we can learn and move forward.

On a different note, I am heading back to school in a few weeks (yay)! This means my schedule will be better and I should be able to write about relationships, little loves, big rules, and anything else you want to know about more frequently. Hopefully, I'll have more to say as time goes on even if it just a little hello from your friendly neighborhood little fluid flux baby otter. 

Sorry for the super lame post it will be better I promise and don't hesitate to comment on what you want to see!

Little hugs and Big kisses,